Western Canada Resources
Below is a list of relevant organizations with a small overview of them.
British Columbia
Toll-free, confidential, multilingual service available across B.C. and the Yukon, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can be accessed by calling or texting 1-800-563-0808 or sending an email to VictimLinkBC@bc211.ca VictimLinkBC provides service in up to 150 languages, including many Indigenous languages.
24-Hour Addiction Helpline
Call 1-877-332-2322
Toll free from anywhere in Alberta: 1-866-408-5465
Piwapan Women’s Centre Crisis Line
Call 306-425-4090. Available 24/7.
Prince Albert Mobile Crisis UnitThe Crisis Centre
Call 306-764-1011
Available Monday to Friday from 4 pm – 8 am, 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Regina Mobile Crisis Services Hotline
Call 306-757-0127. Available 24/7.
Saskatoon Mobile Crisis
Call 306-933-6200. Available 24/7.
Klinic Crisis Line
Call 204-786-8686 or 1-888-322-3019 or TTY 204-784-4097
Manitoba Suicide Prevention & Support Line
Call 1-877-435-7170 (1-877-HELP170)
Klinic Sexual Assault Crisis Line
Call 204-786-8631 or 1-888-292-7565 or TTY 204-784-4097
Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services
Online Counselling at supportline.ca or 1-866-367-3276
(Available Monday to Friday from 10 am to 9 pm)