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This initiative is a three-year community-based research study on the employment needs, barriers, and recommendations for employment equity for South Asian immigrant communities in Toronto. The study will aim to conduct a needs assessment study to identify the needs and barriers of South Asian immigrant communities in Toronto to gaining meaningful employment.

Once the study has concrete ideas of the needs and barriers, the second part of the study is to develop recommendations for public policy changes as well as recommendations for business process improvements to help meet the needs and alleviate the barriers faced by South Asian communities.

Using the findings of the Needs Assessment Report as well as the Recommendations Report, the third and final part of the initiative will be a year-long campaign to engage communities and disseminate information on the findings of this study to advocacy groups, policymakers, regulatory bodies, and employers. In this phase, we will engage the South Asian immigrant communities in Toronto in advocacy efforts to pressure all three levels of government, regulatory bodies, and large employers, to make the necessary public policy changes to eliminate barriers to meaningful employment and to advocate for sector-wide changes for employers.

Business Charter

Employment Equity Charter for Racialized Immigrants

Since 2018, CASSA has been working on a Research on Employment Equity for South Asian Immigrant Communities in Toronto (REESAICT) project which was a 3-year community-based research initiative focused on employment needs, barriers, and recommendations for employment equity. Through this project, CASSA has produced a Needs Assessment and Policy Recommendations reports to support South Asian Immigrants in Moving Towards Decent Employment.

Businesses of any size can make a difference.

Through this Charter, CASSA envisions influencing business policy and regulatory changes which will help South Asian immigrants’ upward mobility in their industry and help them find meaningful employment. By pledging your commitment to this Charter, your business is indicating that it is committed to anti-racism practices and supporting racialized communities to gain equitable outcomes in employment. There is a need for bolder business practices and government policies with enforcement mechanisms to address persistent employment inequities experienced by racialized immigrant communities.

Read CASSA's Business Charter Letter

Add your business to this charter!

Employment Equity Charter for Small Businesses

This business does not discriminate against racialized immigrants based on their identity (race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, etc.).

This business does not reject racialized immigrant job candidates for a job due to the presence of non-Canadian accents.

This business equates non-North American/European experience with North American/European experience.

This business recognizes non-North American/European educational credentials.

This business acts in accordance with Ontario’s legislation protecting basic workers’ rights.

This business ensures that racialized immigrant employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

This business practices pay equity for all employees regardless of their gender to eliminate the gender-race pay gap.

This business practices pay equity for all employees regardless of their immigration status.

This business has fair policies for salary and provides compensation or time-off for working overtime or on statutory holidays.

This business complies with all employment rules and regulations protecting student workers and temporary workers.

This business has communicated policies for paid-time off and holiday guidelines for all employees regardless of work status.

This business follows regulations for mandatory breaks.

This business invests in learning culturally-sensitive practices to improve feelings of belonging for racialized immigrants.

This business accommodates employees with children.

This business prioritizes the physical and mental wellbeing of its employees and invests in appropriate supporting resources.

This business fosters a work culture that empowers racialized immigrants with a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory practices.

Employment Equity Charter for Large Businesses

This business does not discriminate against racialized immigrants based on their identity (race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, etc.).

This business does not reject racialized immigrant job candidates for a job due to the presence of non-Canadian accents.

This business equates non-North American/European experience with North American/European experience.

This business recognizes non-North American/European educational credentials.

This business acts in accordance with Ontario’s legislation protecting basic workers’ rights.

This business ensures that racialized immigrant employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

This business practices pay equity for all employees regardless of their gender to eliminate the gender-race pay gap.

This business practices pay equity for all employees regardless of their immigration status.

This business invests in training and professional development for all employees.

This business invests in learning culture-sensitive practices to improve feelings of belonging for racialized immigrants.

This business invests in providing training on anti-racism, anti-oppression, and recognizing unconscious biases. It also has clear guidelines for resolving issues of discrimination.

This business is invested in anti-racism, not just as a diversity and inclusion program, but as embedded into the business culture.

This business is committed to collecting disaggregated data on hiring practices, promotions, work culture and using this data to create an inclusive workplace.

This business provides equal leadership and senior management opportunities to racialized women.

This business accommodates employees with children.

This business prioritizes the physical and mental wellbeing of its employees and invests in appropriate supporting resources.

This business fosters a work culture that empowers racialized immigrants with a zero tolerance policy for discriminatory practices.

Canada’s immigration intake continues to grow and despite these immigrants being a major component of the Canadian workforce, many face a myriad of barriers in finding decent and meaningful employment. By following principles of decent work, our pledges in this charter help businesses commit to ensuring racialized immigrants are not discriminated against in seeking employment.

Add your business to this charter!

For more information on the REESAICT project or CASSAs’ Business Charter, please contact:

Cynthia Saxena – REESAICT Project Coordinator

This study was concluded with a needs assessment and policy recommendations report that identifies the needs and barriers of South Asian immigrant communities in Toronto in gaining meaningful employment.

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