In 2023, the SAHM initiative centered around the theme “South Asian-Canadian Systemic Changemakers,” spotlighting seven remarkable individuals who have left an indelible mark on South Asian communities through their contributions to research, advocacy, activism, art, policy, outreach, and education. The featured changemakers were:
- Gurdeep Pandher – Bhangra Artist and Educator
- Masuma Khan – Community Organizer and Artist
- Dr. Nasima Akter – Executive Director of Bangladesh-Canadian Community Services
- Dr. Satwinder Kaur Bains – Director and Associate Professor at the University of the Fraser Valley
- Seher Shafiq – Civic Leader, Writer, Speaker, and Consultant
- Sonali (Alyy) Patel – Writer, Activist, and Author
- V.T. Nayani – Director, Producer, Actor, and Writer
The hybrid panel discussion took place on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Scarborough Civic Centre. Simultaneously, the event was broadcast on Zoom for remote participation. Throughout this dynamic discussion, panelists shared their experiences and challenges in fostering equity and justice, driving systemic change within the South Asian community. They also imparted valuable recommendations for future generations to build upon the progress initiated by current South Asian changemakers.