In 2021, the SAHM initiative centered around “Celebrating COVID-19 Champions,” highlighting six impressive South Asian-Canadian individuals who demonstrated extraordinary resilience and strength in aiding victims of the pandemic. The heroes featured were:
- Fairuz Karim – Advocate
- Sukhmeet Singh Sachal – Medical Student and Health Activist
- Dr. Supriya Sharma – Chief Medical Advisor at Health Canada
- Doly Begum – Member of the Provincial Parliament
- Dr. Naheed Dosani – Palliative Health Care Physician and Health Justice Activist
- Dr. Samir Sinha – Director of Geriatrics at Sinai Health and University Health Network
The virtual SAHM panel discussion took place on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Throughout this captivating discussion, panelists candidly discussed the challenges encountered in their respective fields, highlighted their achievements, shared invaluable lessons learned, and offered recommendations for individuals in the South Asian community aspiring to make a positive impact amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
A recorded version of the panel discussion can be found below: