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The Issue of online hate

Le problème de la haine en ligne

Unfortunately, online hate is pervasive. In particular, racialized groups and younger Canadians are the main targets of racist, hateful content. Have you experienced a form of online hate before? If these stats were new to you, share them with others!

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Public opinion on online hate and racist content

L’opinion publique et la haine en ligne

The majority of public opinion favors the idea that online hate speech is not only a serious issue but that there should be more government regulation and measures put in place to protect Canadians. What do you think about online hate speech? What interventions should be enforced? Let us know down below.

Data from the National Survey on Online Hate Speech and Racism in Canada by @abacusdatacanada and @crrf_fcrr

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How prevalent are police reported hate crimes in Canada?

Quel est le niveau de prévalence des crimes haineux déclarés par la police au Canada?

Police reported hate crimes in Canada have risen over the pandemic, especially hate crimes targeting specific races and religions. What are some reasons you may think this is? Let us know down below.

Disclaimer: Police-reported hate crimes don’t encompass the sheer volume of hate crimes, more on that coming up next week!

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“You are more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than be injured in a car crash.”

«Vous êtes plus susceptible de subir un crime haineux que d’être blessé dans un accident de voiture »

Hate crimes are much more prevalent than what is reported to the police. Vulnerable and marginalized communities often do not report to the police due to the likelihood of being further marginalized. Moving forward, what other innovative systems might work for hate crime reporting?

data sourced from @antihateca

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The 5 D’s of bystander intervention: if you witness online hate, what can you do?

Les 5 D de l’intervention en tant que témoin : que peut-on faire si on remarque de la haine en ligne?

We often see the 5 D’s of Bystander Intervention only apply to interactions that happen in person, but what happens when we witness hate online? Here are 5 ways to intervene in safe and helpful ways. What other ways can we help if we witness online hate? Let us know your thoughts down below. Remember to check out the threat assessment checklists in our toolkit as well!

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Misinformation vs. Disinformation

Fausse Information vs. Désinformation

In online spaces, we often see both misinformation and disinformation. This isn’t limited to the online space. Media in general is rife with all kinds of mis/disinformation. It is important to know the difference, as well as how to recognize it. Share this with others!

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Fact vs. Myth

Des mythes et des faits

In accordance with addressing online hate, we wanted to include some common misconceptions we see online. Let’s work together to dismantle harmful myths and misinformation – please share with your community members!

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How can I be a better ally?

Comment puis-je être un-e meilleur-e allié-e ?

Learning how to be an effective ally is a crucial part of anti-racism education. Check out the slide deck to learn of the different features of allyship, the difference between authentic vs. performative allyship, and what a statement of support can look like. Keep in mind that this is a simplistic summary of allyship, be sure to check out our toolkit for a more comprehensive discussion about allyship!

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Breaking down some terms

Que signifient ces expressions?

Clarification on certain terms can help us better communicate ideas around equity, justice, and how these relate to online harassment. Please check out the slides below for a deeper understanding of some of these commonly used terms!

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What are the hallmarks of hate?

Quels sont les thèmes distinctifs des messages haineux?

Did you know that there are specific ways to identify hate? While the Criminal Code doesn’t explicitly define hate content, in the slide deck above, we outline the 11 hallmarks of hate as defined in the 2006 Human Rights Tribunal Decision and speak to what we believe can be done in order to regulate hate online.

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Ideologies of hate

Des idéologies de la haine

In order to confront and prevent hate, we need to have an in-depth understanding of the ways in which it manifests. Take a look at our slide deck which works to simplify the core practices and mindsets behind ideologies of hate.

Thank you to @antihateca for their hard work on this information!

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How Online Hate Breeds Physical Violence

Comment la haine en ligne engendre la violence physique

Throughout this campaign, we unpacked what online hate can look like and where it comes from. The scary reality is that online hate can breed violence in real life–the slide deck above outlines tragic real-life examples that showcase this direct effect.

Headlines compiled by @hassam.history

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