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The Health Equity Summit is a recognizable event that addresses health issues and inequities, specifically ones affecting South Asians and other racialized communities. This summit is in partnership with Ryerson University’s School of Nursing and the William Osler Health System in Brampton.

Focus of Summit

The 2019 Summit focused on gathering input on a health equity strategy from South Asian community members residing within the GTA and finding ways to engage the current government through research and advocacy. The summit explored different aspects of health in the South Asian context through panel discussions and breakout sessions on related topics in mental, sexual, maternal, and chronic health, social determinants of health, best practices, policy, and advocacy. Attendees were given the opportunity to voice their questions/concerns to a panel of stakeholders during a community feedback and input session which helped advance our South Asian Health Strategy.

The summit had 35 speakers from various backgrounds speaking about diversity, resiliency, chronic health, mental wellness, and social determinants of health and contributed greatly to practices in creating health strategies.

Event Details

The Summit was held over 2 days.
Day 1 – Wednesday, August 7, 2019, from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm at Peel Memorial Centre Auditorium
Day 2 – Thursday, August 8, 2019from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm at Ryerson University, Ted Rogers School of Management TRSM Commons

Download Annual Health Equity Summit

The following social media flyer was disseminated for promoting the
8th Annual Health Equity Summit (2019) which took place over two days, from August 7-8.

This event was organized in partnership with Ryerson University and the William Osler Health System.

Click below to download the social media flyer

Download Flyer
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